For those who are not (yet) millionaires, for those who are saving, building and growing their wealth, our Managed Solutions program provides something different. Offered with three different mandates, Income Growth, Balanced Growth and Maximum Growth, the program is ideal for you as investors:
If you are no longer comfortable with managing your investment account due to size or increasing complexity.
Managed Solutions are great tools for us to help manage your RRSP, TFSA, LIRA, and non-registered accounts. We find many people love to manage their own money through self-directed accounts, which is great and can be enjoyable. However, at some point, many investors’ nest eggs become larger than they feel comfortable handling themselves. That is where we come in.
For managing a sleeve of your larger investment portfolio
Perhaps you don’t want all your investments managed in the same way and would like your TFSA, for example, to be run under a different investment mandate. Many of our clients have their TFSA’s run under the Managed Solutions program, which is also a good program for accounts with regular contributions as the excess cash in the account is swept up and invested monthly.
If you are seeking an alternative to a mutual fund portfolio.
We utilize two asset allocation strategies throughout the Managed Solutions:
a) Tactical Asset Allocation: An active strategy that is an overlay on your strategic asset mix and takes into account market conditions or economic trends.
b) Core-Satellite Allocation: Combines a core strategy, the Kipling Funds, with a selection of active investments that seek additional returns while managing the risks to the portfolio.
The aforementioned Kipling Funds are Enhanced Strategies that change the normal trade-offs between risk and return as understood by modern portfolio theory. They make it possible to capture the growth and income potential of the market with less volatility.
In June of 2020, we launched a new portfolio, the Tactical Innovation Strategy, which is a new take on the typical balanced portfolio, with a higher allocation to alternative assets, global sector overlays and sub-industries. This portfolio is tailored for ‘do-it-yourself' investors who no longer want to do-it-themselves.
Our Managed Solutions are off to a very solid 2024, year to date. This is largely due to the outperformance of our proprietary Kipling strategies and our overweight asset mix call to alternative assets within the portfolio.

*CIC MS Returns are net of fees
So, if your investments are proving to be challenging to manage on your own, if you are interested in trying something different and/or if you are seeking an alternative to traditional mutual fund portfolios, this might be the “solution” for you.
To learn more about our Managed Solutions, please reach out to us at Cumberland Investment Counsel Inc. and Cumberland Private Wealth Management Inc. as we love to talk about them!
Chris Dry, CIM
Portfolio Manager, Cumberland Investment Counsel Inc.
RISK - It is important to note that the value of these investment programs can go down as well as up. Investors can lose money. One way to gauge risk is to look at how much each of the mandate’s returns change over time. This is called “volatility”. In general, strategies with higher volatility will have returns that change more over time, both positively and negatively. Typically, the higher the risk the greater chance of losing money and conversely the greater the chance of producing higher long-term returns. Strategies with lower volatility typically have a lower chance of losing money but also tend to have lower long-term returns.
RISK RATING – Cumberland Investment Counsel (CIC) has applied a risk rating on each of the Mandates. This is based on how much the Mandate’s returns are expected to change from year to year. It does not tell you how volatile any specific Mandate will be, and the rating can (and likely will) change over time. A Mandate with a low-risk rating can still lose money.
Cumberland Private Wealth Management Inc. (CPWM) provides this commentary for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable but may change without notice. The comments included in this document are general in nature, and professional legal, accounting, tax and investment advice regarding an individual’s particular investment needs and circumstances should be obtained. This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy a security in any jurisdiction. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Performance is based on a representative account.
All funds offered under the Kipling umbrella are proprietary products of NCM Asset Management Ltd. (NCM). NCM, CIC and CPWM are wholly owned subsidiaries of Cumberland Partners Limited.
The Managed Solutions mandates are sub-advised by CPWM’s affiliate, CIC.